The Home of Horny Rugby Pics, Chat and much more on the Net for Gay Men to enjoy
Lots of new stuff added Feb 2004

Lots of updates see "what's new" page for details
New Galleries and discussion area to meet up
Help keep this site free - See some of the excellent X rated sports videos on-line at our Aussie Friends Sexgames!

Now on a new server where I can sort out the XX galleries - not long now lads!
We know there are a lot of guys out there who are interested in the world of rugby . This site is for you! So come on in and have a look around.
I will be setting up galleries of a more explicit nature but you will need a password for these. These are not open yet but will be shortly
Thank you.
Prop Forward

Disclaimer: All content on this site has been received freely by email or from non copyright sites and newsgroups. If there is any content that does not have the owners permission - please contact me and I will have it removed immediately!